Case Study

Expanding Clinical Trial Diversity


Meet Diamond: Clinical Research Enablement

Age 31
Stage IV Ovarian Cancer
Native American and Black

To maintain patient privacy, a stock image has been used. 

  • May 2023

    Diamond: Living in DC. She got accepted for a clinical trial in Houston, TX but cannot afford the travel and lodging to relocate for 6 months. She was not able to work and could barely afford her monthly expenses.

  • Thanks to We Are Here she received over $21,000 in assistance:

    • lodging
    • air travel
    • travel expenses
    • nutrition counseling & groceries
    • peer mentor with a similar diagnosis and clinical trial experience
    • professional insurance navigation to ensure coverage of trial

    • Enabling Diamond to enroll in the trial gave Diamond hope
    • Getting Diamond to the trial helped ensure some trial diversity, avoid delays for additional recruitment, and go-to-market delays; protecting future revenue $600K+/day

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